Tip 6: Book in advance. You should book your ticket in advance or at least 48hrs in advance of your flight. This allows plenty of time for the airport staff to arrange the correct seating for your child such as, seating near a flight attendant, so he/she can be supervised if needed. Also you should make sure your child is at least 3hrs early for their flight to get used to the surroundings and avoid any stress on the child.
Tip 7: Avoid stressful situations at the airport. Situations arrive at short notice like cancellations or delays and if the child doesn’t know what to do this can be stressful and cause panic. Check the flight is on time and make sure someone is at hand until the plane departs in case of last minute cancellations. If there is a cancellation due to bad weather this could lead to 48hrs or more in rare occasions so someone needs to be able to take the child home or to a hotel.
Tip 8: Important things your child should take. Make sure your child has good contact information, they should have the phone number of the person picking them up at the destination, and one or two alternative numbers in case the person is delayed or cannot make the pickup. If, the child takes medications make sure they have enough on them, but tell airport staff and keep medicines in the original bottles. Also make sure they are carrying information of any allergies like penicillin or peanut allergies etc..
Tip 9: Contact information. A child traveling alone should always have ways to be able to contact you, authorities and emergency services. Try to get a cell phone that can be used in multiple countries, so they can phone you when they arrive and let you know they landed safely and were picked up ok. Furthermore, make sure they know the phone number of the emergency services and police in the country they are visiting.
Tip 10: Packing appropriate luggage. Make sure your child takes appropriate items needed as carry on luggage like medicines, and a book to read can be helpful to keep them occupied. However, you must make sure you check the rules about what can be carried on the plane as many regular items are banned from flights now. Try to make carry on luggage light, so as not to cause discomfort when leaving the plane.
Every parent has concerns and will worry when their child is flying alone. Following our Kids Flying Solo Guide-safety 10 tips should ease your concerns and lead to a stress free trip for your child. Remember to talk to your child about the trip, and make it more like a fun adventure, maybe advise them to take a camera to send pictures home of their trip.
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